Concorso News

Diminutive Sports Car

Fiat X 1/9, Photo Contest Winners and early pricing ends soon

The Diminutive Sports Car

FIAT & Bertone X 1/9 – our first announced celebration for 2023

A little over 50 years ago Fiat introduce a Bertone-designed mid-engined sports car.  It was named the X1/9 and was the successor to the Fiat 850.   The car has a wedge shape conceived by Marcello Gandini while he was at Bertone.  This two-seater targa is small, affordable, and most importantly, extremely sporty.  Fiat produced the model for about 10 years and then passed the baton to Bertone where the X1/9 had another 7 wonderful years until 1989.

We have a special fondness for the X1/9 due to it being one of the cars we drove in our formative driving years. Even today, a dear friend up here in the great Pacific Northwest can be seen in his pristine X1/9.  A tall man who is not hesitant to shoehorn himself into the driver’s seat, his head peering above the windshield, joyfully exercising a model that was in his youth as well. Yes, the X1/9 will bring a youthful smile to one’s face.

The Fiat celebration is the first announced celebration for Concorso 2023.  In store are multiple celebrations—some unexpected, some innovative, and some iconic.  The drumbeat starts now.

Stay tuned to the Concorso social media and these emails for additional announcements in the coming weeks.  2023 is going to be a LOT of fun!

Get your tickets here  or Register your vehicle

Our select group of amateur judges has reviewed the hundreds of photos submissions for our photo contest.  The debate raged on, we needed to be sequestered to come up with a winner.

After the intensity of a game of Apples to Apples, we have our winner and runner up!  Enjoy.  We also are pleased to show a few honorable mentions

Our First Place photo selection from submitted pics from Jim Yu & is entitled
Jim Yu Son checking out Mangusta
Congratulations Mr. Yu!

Our Runner Up is the Lamborghini Engine
submitted by Charles Wyke

Thank you to all the hundreds of submissions. These were challenging to select a winner and we appreciate seeing how YOU all see the event. Thank you for sharing. Winners will be notified.


Here are some Honorable Mentions

Honorable Mention
Connect2Cars Winery stop submitted by Larry Felton

Honorable Mention
Engine of Chrome


A few other noteworthy pics showing the essence of Concorso

Next we have the best Video submission.  again while there were many creative and inspiring videos, we selected best of and runner up that represent the fun at Concorso and the sounds of Concorso.


Our best pricing for admission and car registration is here. You only have a few more days until we welcome in the new year and say goodbye to the early bird lowest prices.

Get your tickets here  or Register your vehicle